Wednesday, June 25, 2008

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Civil Service Red Cross: Call 2008 Regional Meeting


Published Call for selection of 2,433 volunteers to be used in projects of national civil service in Italy and abroad (Official Gazette No. 44 of June 6, 2008 - 4th special series - competitions and examinations).
Deadline for applications July 7, 2008 at 14:00.

Learn from the Red Cross headquarters in Ancona!

The National Civil Service enables young people:
- To contribute to the defense of the homeland and non-military means
- Supporting the development of constitutional principles of social solidarity
- Contribute to safeguarding and preserving the heritage of nation, with particular regard to the environmental, forestry, art history, cultural and civil protection
- Promoting solidarity and cooperation, at national and international
- Contributing to the civic education, social, cultural and professional

may participate in the National Civil Service for all young people, without distinction of sex, that the expiration date of the notices are in possession of the following requirements:
- have at least 18 and not passed on 28 years of age (27 years and 364 days)
- Be in possession of Italian nationality
- Godano
of civil and political rights - have not been convicted of first instance sentence for crimes committed by intentional violence against persons or for crimes relating to membership in subversive groups or organized crime
- possess the physical fitness

can not participate:
- The bodies belonging to the military and police forces
- Young people who already work or Civil Service have worked as volunteers under the Law March 6, 2001, No. 64
- Young people who have broken the Civil Service before the expiry
- Young people who are going with the body that carries out the project reports gainful employment or collaboration in any way, or who have had such relationships in the previous year, exceeding three months

The National Civil Service is compatible with other activities:
- Volunteers used in projects of the National Civil Service may engage in paid employment if they are compatible with the proper discharge of the National Civil Service
- The state employees who wish to carry the National Civil Service were put on leave

For each notice of Civil Service may submit only one application for one project among those proposed, under penalty of exclusion from participation in all projects!

For more information contact the Red Cross headquarters in Ancona, or see the following link:



Wednesday, June 18, 2008

What Does The Rude Bands Mean

This is to inform all the pioneers who Sunday, June 22 pv to at 18.00 in the meeting room of the Provincial Committee of Ancona, is inviting Pioneers Regional Meeting open to all over the Pioneers of the Marches Inspectors / Commissioners / Managers of the Group, the Inspector / Provincial Commissioners and Regional Technical Delegates Pioneers of the various areas.
In this occasion to meet we discuss some important documents to be approved in view of the National Pioneers to be held in Turin October 17 to 19 pv
Anyone interested in participating is requested to notify the Commissioner of the Group at its telephone number.

How To Stitch Anarkali At Home

Pioneers Group Reunion

This is to inform all the pioneers who Monday, June 23 coatings to 21.00 at meeting room of the Local Committee is inviting Ancona group meeting.
E 'obvious recommend maximum participation and punctuality and remember also that the group meeting is a key moment to participate in the democratic life of the Group.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Cake Templates Hand Bag

"AIRSUBSAREX 2008: Final Report

This is to inform all of the Pioneers held on the night of Wednesday 11 and Thursday 12, the planned regional exercise called "AIRSUBSAREX 2008" exercise organized in collaboration between the VIIth MRSC - Harbour of Ancona and the System of Civil Protection of Regione Marche.
For Our Local Committees have been activated on 6 Operators and OPSA hydroambulance, two ambulances A-type BLSD VdS with a crew and a crew of Pioneers (James M. - Alice B. and G. Mark) and a pioneer in support of the Provincial Delegate of Ancona PC (Stephen S.).

Report of operational functions.

Solita good illustration of the media and its staff in support of the CRI 118.Particolarmente appreciated the presence of multiple means of transport of the Red Cross Military Corps.

made available to the Master and 118 of Ancona, have not been adequately used by the system.

- psychosocial function:
like getting that first connection attempt between the CRI and the ARES Psychologists especially considering the different "training schools".

Good collaboration between the SOUP at the CRI, ANPAS Region and 118.Senza major problems.

- PROBLEMS: Lack of activation of
OPSA by the Master (was expected but not desired).

During the simulation, at the request of Soup, the Red Cross Referrals at the Operations Room have requested verification of resources, materials and crews throughout the region.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Pokemon World Online Sur Mac

AIRSUBSAREX 2008 - Organizational Meeting - Review

This is to inform all the pioneers who this afternoon will be in the process of defining the details related to the exercise "AIRSUBSAREX 2008" to be held in the evening between 11 and 12 June at pv
the building of the Region will host a meeting between CRI-ANPAS-118-ARES-Region Marhce to define the terms of the participation of health workers in the event that will make 'below (from 18.00 at the Regional Committee) meeting a Regional Director of the emergency (VdS. Christian D'Accardi), the Provincial Emergency Ancona (VdS. Liana Chiarini), the local Emergency Ancona (VdS. David Sernani, replaced by Pius. Stefano Sabatino), the contact person at the CRI VII MRSC (Pio. Bellisario Andrea) to define the operational modalities.
In the Region for the Red Cross, will present the Regional Vice President (Pio. Ludovica Lignite), the Regional Delegate of the emergency and CRI - at the express request of the region - the Project Coordinator of Emergency Psychology.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Citizens Of Humanity Sizing

Choir Fundraising

This is to inform all the pioneers of the initiative promoted by the Local Committee of Ancona called " Tutt'in choir", a program of choral groups the city of Ancona to be held at the Aula Magna of the University's faculty of engineering (via Brecce Bianche - Monte d'Ago) on Friday, June 6 to 20.30 .
The initiative is aimed at promoting the activities of the Red Cross to Ancona and to raise funds for the purchase of a new vehicle.
Sponsors of the initiative are:

- Edilcost

the company - the company Bevilacqua (who kindly offered a piano)

- The City of Ancona

- the University of Ancona.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Good Non-breakable Dishes

June 2: Italian Republic Day

The Italian Republic Day is the national holiday Italian celebrated every June 2 .

On this date we remember the
referendum held in institutional universal suffrage 2 and 3 June 1946 with which the Italians were called to the polls to express their views on what form of government , monarchy or republic, giving the country after the fall of fascism. After 85 years of reign , with 12,717,923 votes against 10,719,284 Italy became a republic and the monarchs of the House of Savoy were exiled.
June 2 is the only national holiday in Italy. In the Italian embassies around the world held a celebration which they invited the heads of state of the host country. From around the world come to the Italian President greetings of the other Heads of State and special ceremonies are held in Italy.
Before the founding of the Republic, the national festival Italian was the first Sunday in June, the anniversary of the granting of the Statuto Albertino
In June 1948
for the first time Via dei Fori Imperiali to Rome hosted a military parade in honor of the Republic. The following year, with Italy's entry into NATO , he played ten simultaneously across the country while in 1950 the parade was included for the first time in the protocol of the official celebrations. Currently
provides for the ceremonial laying of a wreath '
laurel to Unknown Soldier at the ' Altare della Patria in Rome and a military parade in the presence of the highest offices state.
the military parade and during the deposition of the wreath at the Unknown Soldier, take part in all military, all police forces of the Republic and the Body
National Fire and the Red Cross Italian. In 2005, the then President of the Republic Carlo Azeglio Ciampi defiladed also ordered that the Municipal Police of Rome and civilian personnel of Civil Defence. They take part in some military parade military delegations of NATO and the 'European Union .
The ceremony continues in the afternoon with the opening to the public gardens of
Quirinale Palace, home of Presidency of the Italian Republic , with musical performances by bands of the complexes 's Italian Army, the Italian Navy , 's Italian Air Force ,' s Carabinieri of State Police of Guardia di Finanza , the Corps of Prison Police and State Forestry .