Friday, October 29, 2010

Cute Military Homecoming Ideas For Tshirts


Written by Aldo
Italian for Friday, October 29, 2010 24:44

Allow me to his friend or his Forlani, to sketch a brief response on the discussion.
First, I would like to emphasize the obligation has no personality at all apostrophised. But according to political statements have appeared in recent days, I felt compelled, with friends of Democratic Party, to analyze and comment on them. Indeed, to our friends "Forlani" is perhaps missed the objective fact that the accusations came from political councilors belonging to their majority.
We, for our part, we highlight only limited to what happens politically in what only a few are about to redefine the majority. I, for my hand and my experience I believe that everything should be treated in the municipal council, thus highlighting the numbers with what is announced. Our
, or my own depending on the preference was not based on the staff but we would keep to clarify some details.
I deeply believe that when you participate to full democracy in elections, there is a majority and a minority. This does not mean at all that, the minority is the part that should deprive itself of thought or speech. Unless you want to apply the authoritarian model that exists in Berlusconi's party. Or worse yet when you run for election in perfect solitude, and be successful without competitors.
As far as the regional bank, does not seem that the institutions have abandoned the community Palazzese. I understand that the region has recently contributed to the Pinacoteca d'Errico with a lavish budget of € 80.00, as we did for the issue of immigrants and the Castle Marchesale. Perhaps, we should start to ask why, you are not able to succeed with those funds to make them productive for the community. To continue with the funds lost in the Forum of municipal associations, and opportunities for blame, because the City was absent at the table for consultation.
Then, to me there is no indication that the mayor or other members of council are completely unrelated to "comparizie" as you define love.
At the same time, can not deny the objective fact that I did attend the Congress as a citizen of the PD and to which I have decided, along with other friends, to devote myself with passion and humility, coming out of my idle state policy that I have given in recent times. Now, I thought that, given the political situation of the palace, it was just a re-commitment to my community! Why, my friend Michael Forlani, must regretfully admit that on the contrary, in my past political commitment, I personally have been available. Unless you want to reverse the contextualization of the facts.
But I hope not to get into these sterile polemics, but as I tried to do, to talk politics!!
I hope that after my brief, "Forlani's friends", we respond to politics! We meet on
or because their alleged that majority, frays and accuse each other! We meet on
as they have in mind to solve our common problems without dealing with the facts, however twisted, personal.
Unless, we have no policy responses. So this means that we got it right.
I want to close with a thought extraordinary by Roger Friedland, when he said: who is at the top to stay, always praise what others suffer.

How To Make A Sugar Motorcycle

his friend Aldo

Written by Michael Forlani
for Thursday, October 28, 2010 19:32

About the fanciful hopes of Italian Aldo, I must note that the "second" of the PD is allowed to apostrophize the majority of municipal government as "comatose" rather than analyze the reasons for its defeat, rather than due to prevailing in a deep coma for several years, inability to organize a team to rally support within their party.
I would say that his friend Aldo the Basilicata region, which continues to ignore our reality, is governed by a "show" that in every election campaign said that Palazzo is his second country, then forget what you said, immediately after the voting.
Speaking of holidays, then I can not fail to point out that his friend Aldo forgot to mention that his "cronies" going abroad with the money of the citizens of Basilicata, while our holidays we do in the personal expenses, without charge to the City. As for me, but, you know, the friend Aldo, who I never leave without and have also always been available to him whenever I needed.
I close this letter with the hope that the next time his friend Aldo remember my phone number and call me. Only in this way will avoid making the same "bad shape".
Meditate, dear Aldo, meditate!

Your Friend Michael Forlani

Outdoor Play Structures For Small Spaces


Written by Michael Forlani
for Thursday, October 28, 2010 19:32

For Irsina (MT), the police have identified and arrested the man that on the night of 11 October, had given the flight because caught with stolen solar panels. It was on 11 October last, when, in the night and during a pre-ordered service, the police station's Irsina, assisted by colleagues from the Society of Tricarico, had managed to intercept a suspicious van and proceeded along SS "Bradanica" After a long chase, the darkness made it difficult and dangerous and slippery road surface for heavy rains, during which the driver of the van had tried every kind of maneuver to evade the patrols on its tracking the same, exasperated and resigned, he had abandoned the half, giving himself a hasty escape on foot, by so lose, temporarily, its tracks.

fact, shortly after, the police, who had not abandoned the research, were able to trace the fugitive, who, meanwhile, had continued the flight on board a tractor stolen from a farm in this place, too, if the criminal, discovered he had left the half, managed to vanish, by foot, to the surrounding countryside, managing, and it flies through the dark, to disappear without a trace. The police, not resigned, have initiated the subsequent investigation and, after composing the pieces of the story, came to catch the person responsible.

It is thus able to ensure that the solar panels, recovered the night of the pursuit, had been stolen in the town of damage Poggiorsini (BA) in the night between 8 and 9 October and, later in the investigation, the military is the identity of the driver of the van, in the meantime which had become impossible to find, thanks to some remarks made inside the van. In addition, it was found that he had not acted alone and, crossing the various elements of research gained, it has reached a "rose" of the identity of more accomplices, on which further investigations are underway. Gathered enough evidence, investigators have reported their findings to the prosecutor of Matera, sharing, issued a detention of suspects for crimes against Saif Aziz, born in Morocco on 22.10.1985, residing in Palazzo San Gervasio (PZ), already registered on the database FF.PP. for similar offenses.

The man, in fact, was found guilty of receiving stolen property and aggravated robbery in the competition and, last night, the same, in the meantime had become untraceable, was identified by police of Tricarico and Irsina and was arrested quini running of the detention. Now, is in prison in Matera. The tractor and the solar panels, worth about € 50,000, had already been returned to its rightful owners. To highlight that the City Council of Poggiorsini (BA) wanted thank the active military, while welcoming the brilliant operation which led to avert a serious economic damage to municipal coffers.