Sunday, November 28, 2010

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Palazzo San Gervasio, ACLI conference on rural REPORT

Written by Antonio Scardinale -
Saturday, November 20, 2010 21:57
"The rural farming community is measured by the educational challenge." It is the theme of the conference sponsored by the ACLI circle of Palazzo San Gervasio on the occasion of the first day of the provincial thanks. The event, sponsored by the City of Palazzo San Gervasio, will be held tomorrow, Sunday, Nov. 21, at the parish of San Nicola Manfredi current 35 from 16. Speakers (after the greetings of the Mayor of the Palace, Federico Pagano, and president of the local circle of ACLI, Giuseppe Palermo), the archbishop of Acerenza, Archbishop Giovanni Ricchiuti, the Regional Councillor for Agriculture, Vilma Mazzocco, the deputy Vincent Taddei, a member of the House Agriculture Committee, and Chairman of the ACLI Power, Gennaro Napolitano. Complete its work as national president of ACLI Terra, Michele Zannini. At the end of the conference will be held at the Eucharistic celebration accompanied by the traditional blessing of the fruits of the earth and human.

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meeting of members and supporters 21NOVEMBRE2010

Written by PD Press Club Palazzo San Gervasio
Monday, November 22, 2010 14:40
At 18:30 you are given early in the work of the Assembly, the Secretary Antonio BARI announced the members of the new coordination of the Circle of Palazzo San Gervasio. Below is a
information on the initiative of the National PD-11 12-2010 reminding those who want to participate you need help with 50% of the total transport is estimated at Euro 10 per person. During the assembly were discussed agenda items previously disclosed to members and sympathizers.
1) Organizational Rules: The Secretary
reading of the Rules and explains how the integration of the same by setting the period of 45 days for any amendments to it. The regulation was adopted unanimously by show of hands.
The Secretary announced that we must elect the Vice-Secretary and Treasurer. Notes that the PD needs to accelerate and implement the activities of the Club. Proposed as Vice-Secretary and Treasurer Bernard BRUNO Nicola chicory.
followed by a discussion concerning the regulation approved shortly before intervening Mario Romanelli, Nicola SAVOIE, Michael Mastro, ITALIAN Savino, Michele Ungol, Anna CHISENA. At the end of this discussion, the group of "minority" leaves the classroom.
You move to the vote of office of the Vice-Secretary and Treasurer, proposed by the Secretary. The Assembly unanimously approved.
Following a debate concerning the ethics involved Rosa Giannone, Michele and Raffaella STIMULATES Piarulli; antidemocraticità interventions highlight the behavior of those who have left the classroom and the Democratic Project pretext of the association.
The Secretary introduces the other items on the agenda of the committees chaired by members of the club except enlargements to other subject that want to deal with it.
2) Youth Commission-Health and Social Sciences:
Rosa GIANNONE illustrates the scope and methods of work. In particular, stresses that citizenship is intended to give the information and services on various aspects: paliative care, home care etc. In order to collect suggestions and complaints to be reported at the top of the ASP, will set a day each week, during the afternoon, during which the perpetrators of this committee will be present at the site of the Democratic Party to discuss and receive stimuli on the subject. Raffaella
Piarulli shows how to take action means to expand youth participation in politics with the constitution of the Young PD
3) Luca BANQUET indicates the objectives of the Press and the different trajectories that make it official, unambiguous and uniform information concerning the activities of the Club. Roles and responsibilities of the Press Office components will be developed after the drafting of a regulation.
4) BRUNO Bernardo explains the purpose of the Immigration Commission, refers to the work done by the same inside of voluntary association on the same subject and in particular on the issue of homelessness. He argues that immigration should be seen as a resource, as opposed to the policy of the Centre-Right. Invite
those within the Democratic Party want to spend on this subject from an initiative concerning the "violence against women" who had already received a favorable opinion by some Democratic Party members at the club and some immigrants residing in Palazzo San Gervasio. Finally introduced to the meaning of the Social Agriculture.
5) The Secretary of sitting close to the other two committees will be formed: School and Environment. The sitting
melts at 20:00

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Written by members of the Democratic Party di Palazzo San Gervasio and founders of the Democratic Project
Tuesday, November 23, 2010 14: 29
"The group has been called" minority " minutes of the meeting held in the Palazzo Club SG of the Democratic Party, points out-that-for the sake of truth as written in the note referred to before, does not represent but a part of what happened during the meeting of 21 U.S.

It is not true, in fact, that those who left the Assembly, in doing so have adopted anti-democratic attitudes.

It 's true, however, that in the face of a coup set up by the Party Secretary Antonio Di Bari, functional to the appointment of Deputy Secretary and the Treasurer, the leaders, rose up.

It was, in fact, called a 'meeting to discuss the new regulation, (Also discussed changing the first draft during a meeting of the coordination) and that knowledge of a part of coordination.

Then, without opening a debate (which, while it made sense to do that immediately after the request was in vain) the Secretary asserted that the regulation was adopted only as a temporary measure that would have been susceptible to change within a certain period of time (45 days to be exact as he said).

And instead, according to the rules and regulations governing the lives of all circles in Italy, the draft Regulation should be adopted in the first or at the Coordination and subsequently approved by the Assembly. Except that the tricksy

was instrumental in making sure that the Secretary will appoint the treasurer and the name of the Deputy Secretary (already chosen without asking for any information and to coordinate the assembly itself) and this is also evident in the absence of a quorum of members.

Instead, as we have said the draft was viewed by the Coordination and another other than read and forcibly made to approve the meeting.

Hence the onset of deducenti.

The indignation for what happened, and as noted in the report released by the Circle of PD Palace SG is even stronger when the note itself states that those who have moved away after the first story told, were not ethically correct.

Other than ethics! If anyone has played dirty and trampled over the same intelligence that the ethics of participating in the meeting, these are not those who were indignant over the attitude adopted by the Secretary and his closest collaborators.

It is unethical to violate the nation state instead of PD, it is unethical to acknowledge in writing and in their absence, the writers of anti-democratic attitudes, it is unethical to talk about behavior and pretexts to oppose the free discussion which can also be filtered using the ' help of associations that can freely form and are provided by the national statutes.
We wish to remind scholars of political science at the local art. 29 of the National Charter states:
(foundations, associations and other institutions of a political-cultural)
1. The Democratic Party, under Article 18 of the Constitution, promote pluralism and freedom of association and establish working relationships with foundations, associations and other institutions, national and international, a political-cultural and non-profit organization, and ensuring respecting their autonomy.
2. The Democratic Party recognizes these foundations, associations and institutions as instruments for the dissemination of knowledge, free scientific debate, the political and programmatic development.
3. Initiatives at the popular character, academic and publishing of these foundations, associations and institutions are not subject to the opinions of the organs of the Democratic Party.

In conclusion to everything that has happened in the course of that meeting, for the conditioning suffered, and pretext for unlawful political and social perpetrated by the representative of the club in question, the use of all the organs deducenti Guarantee Provincial, Regional and National in order to ensure respect for rules, the rules of democracy violated by the conduct of the Secretary, as well as the interest of good exercise policy, which all members of the Democratic Party Palace SG crave. "

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Sunday, November 28, 2010 15:34
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Saturday, November 27, 2010

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Friday, November 19, 2010

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The IISS CoE 'Errico of Palazzo San Gervasio MANIFEST AGAINST CUTS TO SCHOOL

Written by Lawrence Published on Sulphur
Thursday, November 18, 2010 13:39
November 17, 2010. The IISS CoE 'Errico of Palazzo San Gervasio MANIFEST against cuts for school but to "party" for the joy of being students.
Palazzo San Gervasio - On November 17 at Palazzo San Gervasio, students dell'IISS "Camillo D'Errico" took to the streets to celebrate their festival (International Student's Day) and to protest against cuts (8 billion €) and the changes that the Minister of Education, Maria Stella Gelmini, and Economy Minister Giulio Tremonti, the Italian school are making. The participants were approximately one hundred and sixty, together with representatives of the Institute, event organizers. "A morning-held reports
Videtta Pasquale, a student, according to the themes and values \u200b\u200bof the student and a school" healthy "so that we need." They commemorated the students of the University of Prague and Athens, who died respectively in 1939 and 1973 in riots against the Nazi regime and the dictatorship of the colonels (anti-communist regime), to whom this annual event is dedicated, the students have addressed a cheering thought and also to students who have lost their lives in 1956 in Budapest, protesting against the communist regime, the less remembered and cited. Then they were read by the children of government cuts, aimed at diminishing the quality education and training of the student as a true citizen of the future, as opposed to the waste of government itself (46 billion for military spending, including: € 15 billion for 131 fighter jets and 1 billion and € 540 million for 249 vehicles combat; 3 billion and a half for the Messina Bridge, € 250 million for private schools; € 20 million for military training of youth). Following students have spent the rest of the morning to play in the climate of serenity and joy of their celebration. An example of a compact full of reasons, not only a joy in living, but also expressing concern about what is becoming and will become school. Young people are there and need a school that knows how to obtain the best value and project them in a world full of unpredictable events, but also full of great satisfaction.

The photo shows students dell'Itcg D'Errico of Palazzo San Gervasio.

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Friday Palace SG presentation "democratic project"

Written by Antonio Scardinale -
Tuesday, November 16, 2010 20:22
will be presented Friday, November 19 at 18:00 at the headquarters of the Democratic Party of Palazzo San Gervasio, in Corso Manfredi, the birth of the democratic project, a meeting with the theme: A new democratic political horizon: a commitment to our region and our community. "democratic project was born not in opposition but, in symbiosis with the stimulus of debate and consultation of the Party Democratic Basilicata. The same, it foreshadows the objective to bring new ideas and companies within a party that, as ever now, with the structural crisis of the center-right and a municipality without guidelines, should be given the task to aggregate and set itself the ambition of ruling Palazzo San Gervasio in the shortest possible time. Presentation and the Association, Mario Romanelli will be included as President, Savino Italian (Assembly Prov.le PD), Joseph Laguardia (Pres.te Guarantee PD), Pietro Sanchirico (PD Basilicata), Michael Mastro (PD Palace SG), Christian Ross ( Governors Palace PD SG), Franco Di Terlizzi (PD Palace SG).
The opening will be entrusted to the greetings of the Secretary citizen Antonio Di Bari and conclusions of the Provincial Secretary Antonio Molinari.

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Autilia research on oil drilling rigs in South Bradano

Written by Antonio Scardinale -
Monday, November 15, 2010 13:41
For the Vice President of the Regional Council must assess the compatibility of oil exploration with the plan for the water scheme Basento-Brad-Trunk Acerenza.
"The newspaper reports according to which the project 'Palazzo San Gervasio' for oil exploration by U.S. company submitted AleAnna Resources LLC would fall entirely on the territory of the High Bradano in the province of Potenza, excluding the area of \u200b\u200bPuglia (Spinazzola-Minervino Murge), raises the need, I have repeatedly pointed out, to strengthen the institutional care of the region, departments and offices, to safeguard the environment, land and health of citizens. " To support the vice president of the Regional Council, Antonio Autilia (IDV).
announced that a question, stressing that "research in a vast area of \u200b\u200bthe province of Potenza, which includes the towns of Acerenza, Banzi, Barrel, Forenza, Genzano di Lucania Ginestra, Male, Montemilone, Oppido Lucan Palazzo San Gervasio, Ripacandida, Rapolla and Venosa, poses many problems of compatibility with the plan for the water scheme Basento-Brad-III Trunk Acerenza lot, for the irrigation of about five hectares in High Bradano communes and provinces of Puglia, as well as on agricultural activities in the same area as appulo-Lucania.

"This is a project particularly wanted by producers and agricultural organizations of Basilicata and Puglia - continues Autilia - already approved and funded by the Interministerial Committee for Economic Planning in the amount of 104.5 million euro, in objective of the law, contained in the Strategic Infrastructure Programme of the South.

"It 's obvious, therefore - said the Vice President of the Regional Council - the need to conduct an investigation of all technical aspects involved in the project of U.S. society. Hence the proposal to establish a working group of officials from regional offices supported by academic experts and research for an initial 'screening' that could become a base of operations for the work of the Board's Standing Committees and the Regional Council primarily through increased and more effective synergy between the relevant regional offices of the Departments (Environment-Land, Infrastructure, Agriculture, Health), sub-regional bodies (ARPAB, Legality and Monitoring Environment), local technicians (Environmental Observatory Eni oil Marsiconuovo, Agrobios, University of University of Basilicata, structures of the CNR), as well as institutions dealing with water resources (Eipli, spa water and land reclamation consortiums, Aato).

Monday, November 15, 2010

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Farewell, via the project CIPE

Written by Cosimo Forina published
Monday, November 15, 2010 12:29
SPINAZZOLA - Search for oil and gas project "Palazzo San Gervasio" 561 km square, leaving the Apulia and the territory falling in cities Spinazzola and Murge Minervino AleAnna Resources LLC U.S. company insists on one point and Basilicata. "The interest is not less," says the request to reduce the granting of the research presented July 20 at the Ministry of Economic Development signed Anca Landwer representative of American society of the State Delaware, for the cities of: Acerenza, Banzi, Barrel, Forenza, Genzano di Lucania Ginestra, Male, Montemilone, Oppido Lucano Palazzo San Gervasio, Ripacandida, Rapolla and Venosa.

But the Energy Department of the Ministry, leader Fausto Ingravalle, doubts arise, so much which require the institution of Irrigation Development and Transformation estate in Puglia, Basilicata and Irpinia (Eipli), headed by the Commissioner of Government Xavier Riccardi, and if there are still needs for his opinion and nothing prevents the project. Because in Basilicata AleAnna Resources LLC's request coincides with the same territory where he planned a state-funded work that well be described as the most important after the work of the Salerno-Reggio Calabria in southern Italy.

"It is - as the Eipli emphasized putting his veto on EIA procedures undertaken by the Region of Puglia and Basilicata dall'Aleanna Resources last August in a letter from the Director-General Dr dell'Eipli. Lorenzo Larocca made their way onto the desk of the Ministry - as opposed to a request by strategic coincident and overlapping with the concerned irrigation from the tool provided in the final draft "water scheme Basento-Brad-Acerenza Trunk Distribution III-batch" for irrigation of about five hectares in the municipalities of Palazzo San Gervasio, Banzi, Genzano di Lucania and Irsina. Project approved and financed by the Interministerial Committee for Economic Planning in the amount of € 104.5 million, as part of the objective law, contained in the Programme of Infrastructure Strategy in the South. "

work that going back in time was one of the promoters of the development of the South Alcide De Gasperi and now is going to be achieved through the efforts of cross-secretaries, ministers and presidents of the center-of-center region. Because at least in this part of the Basilicata region devastated by the augers well is water and not oil.

briefly reviewing the history of this infrastructure, giving substance to its promoters. To bring the project CIPE completion of water schemes in 2005 was the undersecretary Basilicata Viceconte Guido, who in the government delegation had Berlusconi era on water resources.

The decree of funding with the release of resources comes five years later, October 6, 2010 (No. 736) signed by the Minister of Economy and Finance Giulio Tremonti and the Infrastructure and Transport Matteoli. Single project funded part of the list of twelve included in the objective law 442.

The signing took place and funding is necessary, after the successful mediation between the Government carried on by the Commissioner of Government Xavier Riccardi and two establishment figures in particular: the Minister Raffaele Lease and the President of the Basilicata region Vito De Filippo. The Basilicata Regional

Eipli has designated as the State Agency to construction. In light of all this after the escape from Puglia, where the outcome may have application for advanced search by 'AleAnna Resources LLC in Basilicata?

Water: Development and the South. In historical project in the Basilicata region, funded by the Government and entrusted all'Eipli, Spinazzola sees no stranger. Since the 'Scheme Water Trunk Acerenzadistribuzione Basento-Brad-III batch "which will irrigate about five hectares in the municipalities of Palazzo San Gervasio, Banzi, Genzano and Irsina di Lucania, directly involves the city and its inhabitants. Part of these lands are owned by spinazzolesi.

Today, those fields are intended to extensive cultivation mainly of cereals, while in the future will have the opportunity to own a radical transformation with the arrival of the water leading them to be used for intensive cultivation. With a great many jobs and growth in the area. Here, oil exploration and drilling rigs should have no reason to hospitality. The

reiterated in recent months the thirteen mayors of Basilicata involved in the project called "Palazzo San Gervasio" while in Puglia, Spinazzola, only voice out from the crowd to say favor was, before fleeing the U.S. company AleAnna Resources LLC to be the first citizen Carlo Scelzo.

months of controversy were those spent in the city. Why the need to understand the risks of oil exploration and extraction have been opposing so preposterous, contradictory positions and resistance to the will expressed in unison from the territory. The oil only for the mayor and his followers had Spinazzola opportunities without "no risk in the search and no drilling." In reality the project did not exclude wells with depths up to 3500 meters.

viewfinder in addition to the press who worked on the case is over there, despite his intentions, the Committee spontaneous "No Petrolizzata Italy." Guilty of having organized a conference with the American university professor Maria Rita D'Orsogna, icon against the excessive power of multinational oil companies and tireless informed about the risks of mining, with Carlo Vulpio sent the Corriere della Sera and Michele Di Lorenzo vice president of the Park Alta Murgia National.

Now the "practice" oil that has bathed the city can not be said to be far from over. At stake is the development of the area with water resources. And the time of skirmishes, with banners praising the "No to oil" finished directly from the square with scorn on Yuotube by representatives of the municipal administration would no longer have reasons to exist. Soon will start the strategic infrastructure works in the South which will bring the gold and blue camps hopefully now, new jobs for the citizens of Spinazzola.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

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The Financial Times promotes Basilicata

taken from : NET1NEWS

Read the article in English

Friday, November 12, 2010

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mild earthquake power

is of magnitude 3.2 occurred today in the province of power. The earthquake registered by the national seismic network in the district of Geophysics and Volcanology seismic Lucania Apennines.
the espicentro located at a depth of about 9.4 km. The municipalities affected within 10 miles are: Rotate, Picerno, wheels, and Tito.
Municipalities with a distance between 10 and 20 km are Sasso di Castaldi, Avigliano, Balvano, Baragiano, Brienza, Filiano, Potenza, Abriola, Sant'Angelo Le Fratte, Satriano di Lucania, Vietri di Potenza and Savoia di Lucania

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New mining projects in Basilicata. Migrants

Written by Antonio Di Matteo Published on:
Tuesday, November 9, 2010 13:49

The Parliamentary Committee for Hydrocarbons and Mineral Resources (CIRM), 18 March 2010, has granted Shell permission to search for oil in an undersea area between the coasts of Calabria high and low metapontino between Trebisacce and Nova Siri. Another request to implement a search of oil was been proposed by the American Society AleAnna Resources. Request made in 2006, but still in process, which has had several stops and starts, but an officer since 2008 no longer know anything. The same company has requested other permits to the Region Basilicata to search for hydrocarbons in the area Alto Bradano in the province of Potenza, in an area that includes the towns of Acerenza, Banzi, Barrel, Forenza, Genzano di Lucania Ginestra, Male, Montemilone, Oppido Lucano Palazzo San Gervasio, Ripacandida, Rapolla and Venosa. We talk about 11.130000000 euro that will be spent searching for "non invasive" superficial and subsoil concerned, both in terms of earthquake point of view is most interesting to the American oil company.

Particularly strong is shared and the position of the mayors concerned by the future research by AleAnna Resources, which is summarized in the firm affirmation of the Mayor of Ginestra, Fabrizio Caputo: "Destruction of the landscape, pollution and risks to health can not represent the elements of revitalizing the area that has taken the hard road of the development of renewable energy sources and modernization of agriculture and rural tourism. "If the various governments of Basilicata and the various commissioners, who have followed in administering and control the oil extraction in various mining areas are so confident that everything is fine and that there is no pollution and that all the only criticism to be politicized and instrumental and environmentalists always rowing against a development which is really (But have only seen them), because all the mayors concerned by the findings considered in their territories revolt and fear for the health and development of their areas and their citizens? Why should they worry if we have a regional political class to the occasion? Why worry about possible pollution that are not there? Alarmed because of possible implications for cancer in the population? Why worry about a future less bright and more rotten? Somehow we will.

The Mayor of Palazzo San Gervasio commented on the event: "First of all, municipalities reported to be questioned and searched, while respecting their autonomy and own liability, health and housing policies. And then, the Basilicata region gave the green light to plunder this further depletion of resources and environmental landscape? And the area of \u200b\u200bVulture-Alto-Melfese Bradano for which they were rivers of public money spent on tourism infrastructure, accommodation, nature reserves, B & B point blank to accept this shame and such a villain and yet another work of environmental havoc? Not enough lethal damage inflicted in this oasis of beautiful Val d'Agri and Viggiano, now uninhabitable because of the almost nauseating waves finder of oil wells and the many incidents of spills in surrounding countryside? Mayors concerned wake up, wake up, wake up! Communities in the Vulture-Alto Bradano expect concrete action and consequential damages, for a new quality of life, and not mere statements of principle that as long as you are leaving. "Words of a mayor and not a boy in ecstasy environmentalist.


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Defense Committee: Report caritas

Written by Bruno Bernard
for Wednesday, November 10, 2010 22:58
Press Release: On November 5
was presented at the Palazzo San Gervasio Caritas Value: Place symbolic crossroads of many discussions and management policies have failed.
the numbers, which each photograph year, the real situation of migrants and that makes this work an important tool for those following the phenomenon for years, we can not point out the failures and absences.
There is a lack, in the debate, a secular thought.
Among the speeches stressing the 'absence of the institution in addressing the problems and the renewed mystification of numbers to justify the closure of the camps and political choices are wrong.
This happened in a situation of rebounds for faults between the Basilicata Region and the Municipality of Palazzo San Gervasio, to detect the complete absence of the Provincial to the speakers' table.
Many who saw the statements in regard on the one hand, the requests of the Mayor and Pagano really difficult to understand each other but different from and contrary to regulations issued along with a few disappointing draw a whole picture. And the demand in the region that you could deny the use of the hostel by the municipality.
Add to that the presence and absence of a Cam-for rights "that seems to have entered into an agreement for an amazing and mysterious monitoring which is still waiting for the results: numbers and analysis, hoping that other than those that the region of Basilicata and the President of the former Com Mont. High Bradano are giving us because as more parts that are inaccurate.
still worth noting the inaccuracies about what the world volunteer and has made a request on our part that the Ass. Ruhan belies its presence in the speeches in support of the reception.

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PD Palazzo San Gervasio: PRESS RELEASE

Written by Savino Italian for
Thursday, November 11, 2010 21:31

regarded as positive, the effort is called for at the regional level by the Directors who have signed a motion on the problem of 'reception of immigrants in the Upper Bradano.

I think that in light of what happened last year, where in the country of Palazzo San Gervasio, we have witnessed very poor for a civilized country in terms of accommodation, the City Palazzo San Gervasio and institutions get down to work as of today, to avoid creating perennial emergencies.

The commitment will be to not continue to waste public funds, without any vision of a structural solution. Moreover, with the addition of creating health problems are difficult to contain.

need to return to consider immigration as a factor for social and economic importance for the entire area, despite what is said, lives on a substantial need of manpower needs in agriculture of the same.

at this time, it does not serve at all the logic of "passing the buck", as was the case the last period by the City Council, why has not opened the shelter and, worse yet, has not ensured that the structure after the regions and provinces have so far invested about € 1 million. It may be helpful in the controversy addressed in the meetings sull'ergersi a leader or representatives of reason, including volunteers.

As appears inconceivable that the Mayor Pagano is behind the silence of the interpellation by municipal councilors, activation and management of the Information Desk for migrants. The same

, denouncing some inconsistencies, which have occurred to form, with the same management that seems to be out the fees provided.

If up until now everything worked in the social aspect, I believe that it is due to the untiring goodness of the population and the human factor that has involved the voluntary associations and the Church.

In the next month, by the Association democratic project, we will table a discussion so that in the short term a solution is stable and permanent.

Savino Italian

Component Provincial Assembly

Democratic Party

Palazzo San Gervasio

Monday, November 8, 2010

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Expo, appointed Massimiliano Nova. He replaces Provasoli

Written by Donato Frangione -
Monday, November 8, 2010 20:38

Michele Saponara was named today in the Board of Directors of Expo 2015, the head of the Supervisory Board. The news and 'the President of the Societa', Diana Bracco. Saponara, born in Palazzo San Gervasio, in the province of Potenza, 6 January 1933 and 'was a member of CSM, a former lawyer Cesare Previti, a member of Forza Italy between 2001 and 2007 and Secretary.

During the assembly and board of directors of Expo 2015, and 'has also been named the new president of the mayors to replace Angelo Provasoli, who resigned as had anticipated August 17, 2010. Specified by the Ministry of the Treasury and 'was appointed in this position, Massimiliano Nova, a professor at the University' Bocconi and associated with the University 'of Valle d'Aosta. After thanking

Provasoli 'for its expertise and its availability,''said Diana Bracco as' his presence will be missed.'' However, he said 'has been called to a very demanding job that keeps him away from London for several days a week'.

How to cda 'everything' went according to program and now we have entered in full in the operation '. We will continue to work great strides because 'five years are close. Labour - said Diana Bracco - which includes an initial phase where interference will be placed on the site and still insist that a second phase involves the construction of the plate and the we are to structure with a number of engineers'.

taken from affaritaliani

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Written by Antonio Scardinale -
Sunday, November 7, 2010 19:12

Presentation Book Five of The Autobiography of Max Pizzo
Friday 12 November 17.00

Public Library Conference Room of Palazzo San Gervasio

Friday, November 5, 2010

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UNIBAS Emergency, emergency Right to Education, Emergency information

Following a meeting yesterday - November 3, 2010 - dell'Unibas students decided to organize two days of mobilization to bring to the attention public attention on the problems facing the University Lucan because of cuts imposed by the Ministry of Universities, the proposed reform of the bill Gelmini on the precarious shares the right to study virtually absent in the region of Basilicata and the inadequacy of the services provided by the University. Therefore
on November 10, 2010 at 10 in piazza Prefecture held an open day of classes given by some teachers and researchers of Lucan, while on November 18, 2010 THERE WILL BE 'ONE DAY OF MOBILIZATION OF STUDENTS' UNIBAS with a parade that will start 'and will continue ROMAN FROM BUSH' IN THE OFFICE OF THE REGIONAL COUNCIL.

We therefore ask all souls dell'Unibas to participate in these 2 days. We invite especially
Teachers full, associate, contract, and researchers in those two days will cmq lesson or teaching activities to support their students to participate together in the hope that we can finally prove that the entire University on these issues and cohesive.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

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Reacts to DC, a stop in New Year

Reacts to DC, a stop at Palazzo S. Gervasio.

Written by Antonio Scardinale -
Tuesday, November 2, 2010 20:55
A man of 43 years, Banzi, in Potentino, was arrested by police at the Palazzo San Gervasio on charges of resistance, violence and threatening a public official. The man, drunk, was driving his car when he was stopped by the military that has first insulted and then attacked with kicks and punches. Same charges for the 17 year old who was with him in the car and was denounced in a state of freedom.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

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Celebrate New Year in the square, is the idea born in different groups of Palazzo San Gervasio, inviting all who wish to cooperate to the success this initiative to appear Friday, November 5 at 21:00 at the headquarters of A.Mi.CA. An event
ever before, both at the Palazzo San Gervasio in neighboring countries, we call it .... the event of the year. What are you waiting, join us!

Monday, November 1, 2010

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Vincenzo Piazza d'Errico, a lawyer retained by the Risorgimento

Written by Antonio Scardinale -
Monday, November 1, 2010 15:45
a lawyer was paid to politics, indeed the economy, Vincenzo d 'Errico. Him, his friend even more prestigious, Vincenzo Gioberti, said it was "a man cautious, wise and venerable. " The same Paolo Emilio Imbriani - lawyer, professor of law at the University of Pisa and later mayor of Naples (between 1870 and 1872) - d'Errico had for gratifying words: "the sweetness of the prepositions comforts of home, the family, worship, honest and industrious of freedom and independence of Italy. " He was born in Palazzo San Gervasio
January 4, 1798. His father was Joseph. The mother was called Rachel Maria Conversano. At 26, after studies conducted during this formative San Chirico Raparo, earned his law degree in Naples January 13, 1824. He soon began

Power forensic practice, specializing in cases on public land and in 1839 became attorney of the town of Melfi. Businessman, in the years 1820-1849 and considerable tracts of land bought several. His profession, relationships and knowledge made him earn a reputation woven respectable. But the economy was to intrigue literally, pushing the political commitment. Parallel to the legal profession sought and found the space and the necessary credit (even by force of ideas and suggestions are reasonable and balanced) in the liberal circles of the capital city of Lucania. Sale Carbonara turned in "Young Italy", then rapidly climbing the rungs of a career major policy.

was the first member and then chairman of the Economic Society of Basilicata (1843-44). He became the Provincial Council in 1840, deputy to the provincial public works for three years starting from 1841, member of the General Council of Basilicata (1846), Member of Parliament for the administration of funds for Public Works. 1848 was a year of personal satisfaction: Vincent d'Errico was elected to Parliament in Naples.

economic interests and the passion they drilled through a number of articles published in the Journal of Economic literature Basilicata, newspaper of the economic society. D'Errico was familiar with the situation Luke's economic population. In the text: "On deposits of doctors. Project to establish in Basilicata for the improvement of agriculture and the arts in the province, calling on the authorities to create more shelters for the needy. Was the high percentage of those who had been begging and wandered miserably, an unmistakable sign of pauperism in which the company was Luke's time.

What could be a solution? Vincenzo d'Errico had no doubt and suggested the establishment of hospices and shelters that were to be managed at first by the state, municipalities and private sector (through collections gathered in churches), at a later time, progressively, faithful to the canons of economic liberalism, the public assistance had to disappear because it was deemed counterproductive and Advocate Palazzese tool will by the authorities.

He also had a solution to fight poverty: the poor and less fortunate teach a trade that could emerge from conditions of extreme poverty in which. But the thoughts of Vincent d'Errico is not limited to poverty and ways to combat it. Its radius of action and thoughts turn also to the macro issues - the economy.

In his speech to the Economic Society of Basilicata May 30, 1844 and in his essay "Of needs of Basilicata and devices to provide for ", stated clearly that to lift the fortunes of agriculture Luke must first spread and development of education, foster the spirit of association, but also to extend the leads of agricultural loans, distribute land to peasants, working on the road to facilitate communication. Modern ideas and proposals. Maybe too much, so much so that, as Thomas argues Pedio in his essay "The Bourbon Basilicata, remain unimplemented and fall utter indifference.

His political identity and commitment were also very consistent with his ideas. The events have highlighted their posture. On 29 January 1848, Ferdinand II granted the Constitution. D'Errico did not hide his favor. He did more: February 28 launched an appeal "to Lucani" with which called for a monument to the King as a token of "gratitude for the promulgation of the Constitution." This call will cost him harsh criticism from the radical current. Pedio writes: "As a moderate trend, tried to prevent the Liberals Lucan adhere to the current radical and explained his program in an essay published in February 1848 to power up The Constitution in Lucania."

Nevertheless, Vincenzo d'Errico had won with his ideas a fair credit among the population. He was elected Member of Parliament for the district of Naples Power. In the meantime, he founded the Constitutional Club Lucan, movement in which they found themselves liberals and democrats.

But his diplomatic stance not preserved by the succession and the pressure of events. On 15 May 1848, the King changed his mind. He dissolved Parliament, tore up the Constitution. It is the beginning of the revolt in Naples. A Power

news of serious disturbances and contradictory attitude of Ferdinand II reached quickly. At this time it does something mediator of Vincent d'Errico that has no equal. Rather than incite the citizens Potentino d'Errico tried to throw water on the fire of indiscriminate and reckless protests. The Circle was transformed into a Constitutional Committee of Basilicata. At the base there was a political agreement in principle with the sword in which he defended the Constitution and ventilated (but not with such determination) the dispatch of armed troops (which is really laughable) to defend it.

a threat not so convinced, however, was enough to cool the spirits, but not without consequences. The intransigent attitude of the priest Emilio Maffei with d'Errico was part of the Committee, exacerbated the positions between moderates and liberals to the point that after calling his friend "slumbering" broke any relationship with him in July of 1848, just when the Bourbon courts used the iron fist against the subversive and most of the people involved, beyond the positions represented moderate or radical, were tried and imprisoned in Potenza.

Vincent wrote to his brother Agostino (May 1850): "When the reaction became threatening and aggressive, I saw that my presence in the Kingdom would not be tolerated, and therefore I would be exposed to serious compromises my guests. Then moved to Naples. "

Reached by an arrest warrant on charges of conspiracy against King Ferdinand II, fugitive, arrived first at Toulon, Marseille and then finally to Paris where furthered his studies in economics. Two years later left France at a time in Turin. From these three cities dating back a full correspondence with the family at the Palazzo San Gervasio, from which emerge all of his attachment and his nostalgia for the country and for the family, but also for further reflection on the patriotic ideals and the disease that was killing him (in Turin had contracted the obstinate cystitis). The letters, signed with the pseudonym of Zeno Vridricco, were not sent directly to the family because the Bourbon police surveillance, but in the neighboring towns, where faithful friends and acquaintances and shall be delivered to recipients.

died in Turin on October 1 1855. He was 57 years. The marble monument in honor of Vincent d'Errico Palazzo San Gervasio in the Pantheon of the family says, "Vincent d'Errico / Legal Advisor / Member of Parliament Napoletano / In 1848 / sorrow of exile for stroke / long-suffering Serbian always hope of the Risorgimento 'Italy. " More than any other definition of these words seem more fair to describe the work of a patriot Lucan through the cultural and political commitment (never foolish or reckless or violent) he never set hope to one day see the unification of 'Italy. (MC)
  • Thomas Pedio, Dictionary of Patriots Lucani (Artisans and opponents) from 1700 to 1870, Vol II, Trani, 1972, Vecchi & C.
  • Thomas Pedio, Basilicata Bourbon, Edizioni Osanna, Venosa, 1986
  • Various authors, the bourgeoisie of the century in Basilicata, Chalice Publishers, Sink, 2006. Jura
  • Raffaele Longo, modern and contemporary Basilicata, Napoli, Edizioni del Sole, 1992.
  • Luca Iannelli, Palazzo San Gervasio. Between micro-sources and documents, Palazzo San Gervasio, Planet Book Publishers, 1997.
  • Rosa Rago, ID'Errico of Palazzo San Gervasio / eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, the Regional Council of Basilicata, 2004

Roper Vs. Admiral Washing Machine

Region, thirteen million euro favor of rural

Written by Antonio Scardinale -
Sunday, October 31, 2010 14:06
Funded accommodation for rural roads in over 80 centers, waterworks and work on restoration of irrigation networks.
"More than 7 and a half million euro to rearrange the rural road network in eighty municipalities, half a million for work on rural water supply, almost five million in assistance activities carried out by consortia. Bodied plan activities launched by the Regional Council of Basilicata at its last session, with speeches that will affect virtually throughout the region.
In particular, the plan in favor of the rural road network has already seen an increase in staffing for about one million and 700 thousand euro, which add to the initial estimate of 5 million and € 800 thousand, do well to finance 85 operations candidates by municipalities and mountain communities.
the order of merit will be financed projects Accettura, Gorga, Muro Lucano, Corleto Perticara Pescopagano, Abriola, Aliano, Oliveto Lucano, Barrel, Marble Mountain Community Platano, Picerno, Chiaromonte, Di Vietri Potenza, Tito, Oppido Lucan, Filiano, Albano di Lucania, In fact, Bella Pietrapertosa Atella Baragiano, Irsina, Stigliano, Campomaggiore, Bernalda, Montalbano, Acerenza, Avigliano, Rapoport, Terranova Del Pollino, San Fele, Tramore, Gallicchio, San Martino D'agri, Melfi, Mountain Community High Bradano Trecchina Rotondella, SANT'ARCANGELO, Teana, Vaglio di Basilicata Venosa, Mountain Community of Melandro, Montemilone, Brindisi Di Montagna, Rotonda, Valsinni, Trivigno, Latronico, Grottole, Marsico Nuovo, Grasonville, Francavilla, Senise, sink, Castelluccio Inferiore, Calvello, Banzi, Laurieton, San Severino Lucano, Riverside, Castronuovo Sant'Andrea, Castelluccio Superior, Maratea, Gallipoli Park Authority and the Small Dolomites Cognato Lucane, Episcopia, Sarcomas, Noepoli, Brienza, Cersosimo, Castelsaraceno, Satriano Di Lucania Palazzo San Gervasio , bundles, Pignola, Pomarico, Savoia Di Lucania, Sasso Di Castaldi, Cancellara , Ripacandida, Male, San Chirico Nuovo, Cracow and Policoro.
It's all the questions, submitted by the various agencies, were allowed, but only instances are left out from the list of 24 institutions that had irregularities than expected from the notice of the development plan for rural infrastructure development and related adaptation of agriculture and forestry "in which a measure the number 4, was designed especially to rural roads.
The same rules provides that other actions, including the aqueduct 1b allocated to rural areas. In this case, against an initial budget of 2 million 200 thousand euro, due to the small number of applications found eligible, you could be eligible for aid if not all instances with less than 500 thousand euro, allowing you to move the the art of remaining resources on measures to rural roads, funding in this way for both experienced all found eligible. Thus, the rural water supply projects funded that are 6 and those presented by Park Board Nzionale Appennino Lucano-Val d'Agri-Lagonegro Cirigliano, San Giorgio Lucano, Mountain Community Middle Basento Armento and Forenza. Seven
Finally, reset action of irrigation networks financed by the measure 1, of the same rules to groups of Reclamation, for a total of about 4 million 800 thousand euro. The Consortium for the reclamation of Brad and Metaponto, with 4 projects, each of which approximately € 500 thousand, has reached the maximum amount funded for € 2 million. In particular, the candidate instances concern the replacement of a duct in the territory of the irrigation system Irsina Basentello-Santa Maria d'Irsi the mautenzione extraordinary, with the replacement of certain sections, of irrigation in Serramarina from Bernalda A similar project for some areas of the municipalities of Montalbano and Scanzano, and restore the functionality of a storage tank to Montescaglioso. The Consortium Bonisfica Other Bradno Vulture, however, has obtained funding for two projects, again reaching the limit of two million, namely the maintenance of irrigation for tree crops in the district of Venosa Messer (€ 300 thousand) and completion of the plant functional lifting Gaudiano Alto (about one million and 700 thousand euro). Only one project, then funded the Consortium Alta Val d'Agri, adjustment and rehabilitation of district Cerzolla Paterno (819 000 euro), while another project for the same amount for another area in the City Council, despite being eligible has not been funded for the depletion of available funds.
Two other projects, then, were considered "ineligible" for lack of documentation.

Top Les Denise Milani

Mark this date ...

Posted: October 31, 2010 by Gabriele Mazzoccoli in Sports

Prepare your calendars and mark this date: 7 May 2011, in Banzi (PZ), will host the third edition of the "6 Hours of the Templars - Memorial Vito Frangione, "the ultramarathon / marathon organized by ASD Genzano on the Road, with the support and collaboration of the City and the Pro-Loco Banzi.

After years of hectic and passionate debut, followed by a second edition that has focused on numbers and surprises (including the participation of the athlete felt Englishman Richard Whitehead), the third edition of the "6 Hours of the Templars" will seek to strengthen the quality of two main ingredients: the sport and identity. The latter, in particular, will be enhanced through the wine and food folklore, especially through the care of athletes, the organizers intend to make guests in practice from the small details.

"The ultramarathon is not a discipline for all, or simple and easily understood: it requires training, mindset, character, and especially a place that is suitable to accommodate hardships, joys and stories." - Said Antonio Massaro Councillor for Sports of the Municipality of Banzi, and great supporter, moral and practical, of the event - "All this I learned by observing and participating in the enthusiasm of Genzano on the Road, and that is how, together, we understand how the ' athlete must be our first thought, especially in a crisis period in which the supply of races or sports events tend not to decline, often sacrificing quality. "

But what quality is spoken of Antonio?
"It 's not overlook the obvious, adding that the visitor does not expect: good service and refreshments appropriate timing can not and should not be missed. On this basis, we would like to add something more, something that presents a smile, a good memory, and the desire to return to visit the Basilicata. "

This means, in short, a third edition with a little more, the which could also mean taking a step back because you are not looking large numbers, advertising extreme of big names or the sensational acts. Our "more" want to go in depth, so guests of the "6 Hours of the Templars" will, first of all, friends who wish to visit us and the event will be before a sporting event of resonance, a nice party in which to share a passion and two clear days in a place of soul.

The work begins now, and with them, we hope, word of mouth. Our first act: a new poster, with a line drawn more, easier, and the green wheat fields in spring, a rising sun, and the enthusiasm of people running.

Mark this date: May 7, 2011, for the third edition of the "6 Hours of the Templars - Memorial Vito Frangione, we expect everyone to Banzi.
