Sunday, November 28, 2010

Whatto Make With Crab Leg Meat


Written by members of the Democratic Party di Palazzo San Gervasio and founders of the Democratic Project
Tuesday, November 23, 2010 14: 29
"The group has been called" minority " minutes of the meeting held in the Palazzo Club SG of the Democratic Party, points out-that-for the sake of truth as written in the note referred to before, does not represent but a part of what happened during the meeting of 21 U.S.

It is not true, in fact, that those who left the Assembly, in doing so have adopted anti-democratic attitudes.

It 's true, however, that in the face of a coup set up by the Party Secretary Antonio Di Bari, functional to the appointment of Deputy Secretary and the Treasurer, the leaders, rose up.

It was, in fact, called a 'meeting to discuss the new regulation, (Also discussed changing the first draft during a meeting of the coordination) and that knowledge of a part of coordination.

Then, without opening a debate (which, while it made sense to do that immediately after the request was in vain) the Secretary asserted that the regulation was adopted only as a temporary measure that would have been susceptible to change within a certain period of time (45 days to be exact as he said).

And instead, according to the rules and regulations governing the lives of all circles in Italy, the draft Regulation should be adopted in the first or at the Coordination and subsequently approved by the Assembly. Except that the tricksy

was instrumental in making sure that the Secretary will appoint the treasurer and the name of the Deputy Secretary (already chosen without asking for any information and to coordinate the assembly itself) and this is also evident in the absence of a quorum of members.

Instead, as we have said the draft was viewed by the Coordination and another other than read and forcibly made to approve the meeting.

Hence the onset of deducenti.

The indignation for what happened, and as noted in the report released by the Circle of PD Palace SG is even stronger when the note itself states that those who have moved away after the first story told, were not ethically correct.

Other than ethics! If anyone has played dirty and trampled over the same intelligence that the ethics of participating in the meeting, these are not those who were indignant over the attitude adopted by the Secretary and his closest collaborators.

It is unethical to violate the nation state instead of PD, it is unethical to acknowledge in writing and in their absence, the writers of anti-democratic attitudes, it is unethical to talk about behavior and pretexts to oppose the free discussion which can also be filtered using the ' help of associations that can freely form and are provided by the national statutes.
We wish to remind scholars of political science at the local art. 29 of the National Charter states:
(foundations, associations and other institutions of a political-cultural)
1. The Democratic Party, under Article 18 of the Constitution, promote pluralism and freedom of association and establish working relationships with foundations, associations and other institutions, national and international, a political-cultural and non-profit organization, and ensuring respecting their autonomy.
2. The Democratic Party recognizes these foundations, associations and institutions as instruments for the dissemination of knowledge, free scientific debate, the political and programmatic development.
3. Initiatives at the popular character, academic and publishing of these foundations, associations and institutions are not subject to the opinions of the organs of the Democratic Party.

In conclusion to everything that has happened in the course of that meeting, for the conditioning suffered, and pretext for unlawful political and social perpetrated by the representative of the club in question, the use of all the organs deducenti Guarantee Provincial, Regional and National in order to ensure respect for rules, the rules of democracy violated by the conduct of the Secretary, as well as the interest of good exercise policy, which all members of the Democratic Party Palace SG crave. "


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