Friday, November 19, 2010

Lots Of Mucus 6 Days Before Period Is Due

The IISS CoE 'Errico of Palazzo San Gervasio MANIFEST AGAINST CUTS TO SCHOOL

Written by Lawrence Published on Sulphur
Thursday, November 18, 2010 13:39
November 17, 2010. The IISS CoE 'Errico of Palazzo San Gervasio MANIFEST against cuts for school but to "party" for the joy of being students.
Palazzo San Gervasio - On November 17 at Palazzo San Gervasio, students dell'IISS "Camillo D'Errico" took to the streets to celebrate their festival (International Student's Day) and to protest against cuts (8 billion €) and the changes that the Minister of Education, Maria Stella Gelmini, and Economy Minister Giulio Tremonti, the Italian school are making. The participants were approximately one hundred and sixty, together with representatives of the Institute, event organizers. "A morning-held reports
Videtta Pasquale, a student, according to the themes and values \u200b\u200bof the student and a school" healthy "so that we need." They commemorated the students of the University of Prague and Athens, who died respectively in 1939 and 1973 in riots against the Nazi regime and the dictatorship of the colonels (anti-communist regime), to whom this annual event is dedicated, the students have addressed a cheering thought and also to students who have lost their lives in 1956 in Budapest, protesting against the communist regime, the less remembered and cited. Then they were read by the children of government cuts, aimed at diminishing the quality education and training of the student as a true citizen of the future, as opposed to the waste of government itself (46 billion for military spending, including: € 15 billion for 131 fighter jets and 1 billion and € 540 million for 249 vehicles combat; 3 billion and a half for the Messina Bridge, € 250 million for private schools; € 20 million for military training of youth). Following students have spent the rest of the morning to play in the climate of serenity and joy of their celebration. An example of a compact full of reasons, not only a joy in living, but also expressing concern about what is becoming and will become school. Young people are there and need a school that knows how to obtain the best value and project them in a world full of unpredictable events, but also full of great satisfaction.

The photo shows students dell'Itcg D'Errico of Palazzo San Gervasio.


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