Monday, January 10, 2011

Prom Dresses 2011 At The Galleria Mall

complaint ACU

Today November 8, 2010 request for legality 'ACU, false non-profit association whose only interest and 'the economic self-interest in spite of its statute

Spett.bile ACU, I write about a fault in the Statute of your association, which has not paid benefits by playing on ambiguities' non-profit-making and company employees deceiving lenders and donors.
Deceit that already 'can be seen from the use of a derogatory form of gain in the statute, called the profit to make it appear that the illicit gain is not good and the lawful earning as salary, this is best when it is not true.
Why 'the ACU and' in fact an association whose purpose is' gain, concealed under the heading "salaries, consulting, etc." without going through the necessary distinction between playing the other company and employees, and making believe that only the company should be a non-profit and non-employees. Having in this manner also
illegal access to funding, donations, bequests, etc..
I therefore request of legality 'in a friendly way that the main rule of your body, non-profit, also applies as regards salaries, consulting, inherits 'revenue and the like, within 15 days, after which
without having received a positive response will be' clear the use of ordinary justice.
Milan, November 8, 2010 Francesco Barnaba

(correct version of the form)
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