mmlab to work: concept maps in or out of concern the relations between people. 'Cause every time we talk about someone (or something) you can' translate our language into the two basic options, or out from our camp. For example, in the first picture the girl in yellow said something that does not agree with others, in the second finds all agree, some in the third and so on.
Example: If the girl says "I have two eyes" and the translation 'of the second image, all covered. If the girl says "I have blue eyes" field will be 'reduced to people who like blue eyes
I have blue eyes (brown) (blacks)
I have two eyes
images below what is the job: find the dialogues (the forums are fine) and translating it in graphic form
there 's also a third field, the field of Schrödinger, when and' undecided and do not know if you are 'in or out ..
The paradox of Schrödinger's cat is a thought experiment devised by Erwin Schrödinger in order to demonstrate how what was the classical interpretation of quantum mechanics (the Copenhagen Interpretation) turns out to be incomplete when it comes to describe systems physical in which the subatomic level interacts with the macroscopic level.
"You can also build for quite burlesque. It locked up a cat in a steel box together with the following infernal machine (which should be protected from the possibility of being caught directly from the cat): in a Geiger counter there is a tiny bit of radioactive substance, so little that in the course of an hour perhaps one of its atoms disintegrate, but also so no one probable, if this happens, then the meter will signal activates a relay and a hammer that breaks a vial of cyanide. After this whole system left undisturbed for an hour, it seems that the cat is still alive if meanwhile no atom had disintegrated. The first atomic decay would have poisoned. The function Ψ of the system say that it leads to the live cat and the cat died were not pure, but mixed with equal weight. [1] "
After a certain period of time, so the cat has equal chance of being dead as the atom to be revoked. Because until the time of observation, the atom exists in two states overlap, the cat is both alive and dead until the box is opened, an observation that is not accomplished.
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