shift from macro to micro, 1-1-2-7-29-121 indicated by a number to indicate the areas of membership reported at different scales of aggregation, the first number, 1, referring to the main table that includes everything up to number 121, referring to the table split into 256 shares. For a division by two the number is incomplete because it goes from 7 to 29 (and 29 to 121, etc.) by skipping a step.
As you go from micro to macro? In the example of an image interpretation by borrowing a method often followed by hardware and software of our computers, doubling or halving depending on whether you want to go in the big or small. The result is a map that allows heading to any street of any city 'by knowing only the name of the street combined with the industry, starting with the first covering the entire city' for the second pass which divides it into two and so 'on down to the specific area of \u200b\u200bour street . In this way, keeping in mind a multiplication table like the one below, you can tell immediately where there is a way without the specific map of that city '.
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